Sokari Douglas Camp was born in Buguma, Nigeria, in 1958 and lives and works in London, UK, first exhibiting at the October Gallery in 1985. She has had more than forty solo shows worldwide and in 2005 Douglas Camp was awarded a CBE in recognition of her services to art.

Her work is in the permanent collections of the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC; Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo; and the British Museum, London. In 2012, her large sculpture, All the World is Now Richer, a memorial to commemorate the abolition of slavery was exhibited in The House of Commons and then, in 2014, at St Paul’s Cathedral, London.

Douglas Camp was selected for Ichihara Art X Mix 2020, Japan and created the l sculpture Manmade for the festival, on a moving wagon at Goi Station. She was also one of the international artists selected to create a column for STOA169 in Polling, Germany, a globally unique artist-columned permanent hall that unites contemporary artistic ideas and different cultural concepts in one place. In 2022, Douglas Camp held her third solo exhibition, Jonkonnu Masquerade at October Gallery, which explored themes of carnival and its slavery heritage. The exhibition coincided with the presentation of her monumental steel sculpture Europe Supported by Africa and America, in the Dorothy and Michael Hintze Galleries at the V&A in London to complement the Africa Fashion exhibition.