A New African Art Collection Curated for Impact
Attention art enthusiasts!We're excited to share the latest Catalogue of Artwork, curated by Musa N. Nxumalo. It features 16 talented artists from across the African continent. Each piece offers a ...

Sokari Douglas Camp and the celebration afroprophetic art
Today, we are delighted to shine a spotlight on the remarkable artist Sokari Douglas Camp, whose captivating work is prominently featured in the thought-provoking book "Afroprophetic: Art Transform...

Illuminating Lives with Art: Tesprit's Mission to Empower Togo's Homeless Children
Foli Kossi Gerard, known as Tesprit. Born in 1994 in Lomé, Tesprit is a self-taught artist whose work captures the essence of vulnerability, playfulness, and optimism. He creates his masterpieces u...

Palais de Lomé Art initiative is making a difference in art and education in West Africa
The Palais de Lomé is a significant cultural landmark located in Lomé, the capital city of Togo in West Africa, this museum contributes to the city's vibrant art scene. It serves as a hub for artis...

Join us in London for Afroprophetic book launch at Christie's
We invite you to a viewing with the opportunity to buy our inaugural publication and works of artists featured in: Afroprophetic: Art transforming minds and nature Curated by Sophie Braine IN S...

Sensibilisation à l'environnement dans le contexte du musée par Sonia Lawson
L'Afrique a une histoire compliquée, mais l'art et l'architecture offrent un lien avec notre passé tout en exprimant simultanément notre présent et en offrant une vision de notre avenir. Afroprophe...